VBS 2021 – Destination Dig
June 14, 2021 @ 9:00 am - June 17, 2021 @ 12:00 pm
One of our most exciting weeks of the year for our kid’s ministry is quickly coming up. Vacation Bible School! Registration is now OPEN. Save the date for June 14th through 17th and be sure to bring your kids to join us right here on campus for worship, Bible Stories, crafts, Recreation Time and Fun Snacks. VBS is open to anyone birth-6th grade, not just members of our church. This year’s theme is “Destination Dig.” We are looking forward to helping our kids learn to Dig into God’s Word and unearth His Truth! Interested in serving? VBS takes countless volunteers to make this the wonderful week our kids deserve, and we can’t do it without their help! Don’t miss out on the special opportunity you have to play a role in teaching our children about Jesus and the difference that relationship with Him can make in their lives! We have a role for everyone and all kinds of areas to serve. Register your child or register to serve and we will be in touch. For more information email Heidi Wiggins at hwiggins@lakehillslife.com.