Marriage Check Up Class
March 6, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Couples of all ages- from newly engaged to married for decades- are welcome to join us as we learn more about our spouses and ourselves in this marriage class.
This is a 4-week class every Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. starting on March 6th.
After taking an online assessment you will get a confidential 15 page report on different areas of your relationship. Using this information we will do a checkup on our relationships and have meaningful discussion about what we have learned. We will cover topics such as:
- Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Relationship Roles
- Personality
- Family dynamics etc…
Each week will have a time where we breakup into groups specific to the season of marriage you are in to further discuss and connect.
Please register both you and your spouse so we can have record of exactly who is attending. The cost of the materials for this class are $35 per couple. You can pay via cash or check the night of our first class.
Childcare is provided. Please arrive at 6:15 to check in your children.