Vacation Bible School 2022
June 13, 2022 - June 16, 2022
Vacation Bible School is right around the corner! We could not be more excited for this amazing week, we look forward to it all year.
Save the date, and register for VBS 2022 June 13-16 | 9:00 a.m-12:30 p.m.
The theme of VBS this year is Spark Studio: Created! Designed! Empowered!
Kids will learn to use their talents to bring glory to God. They will discover that their creativity is a gift from the infinitely creative creator who designed them for His glory. Each day includes a rotation schedule of Bible study, crafts, recreation, snacks, and worship. Children are split into appropriate age groups and the rotation content is designed for each age.
VBS is open to any and all children from age 2 through 6th grade.
Registration and check-in begins each day at 8:30 a.m.
Interested in serving? We NEED YOUR help! VBS takes countless volunteers to make this the wonderful week our kids deserve, and we can’t do it without their help! Don’t miss out on the special opportunity you have to play a role in teaching our children about Jesus and the difference that relationship with Him can make in their lives! We have a role for everyone and all kinds of areas to serve.
If you are serving as a volunteer during VBS, please plan to join us for a lunch and training on Sunday, May 22nd directly after church in the Family Life Center. Please RSVP and let Heidi Wiggins know if you will need childcare at hwiggins@lakehillslife.com.
Register your child or register to serve through the button below.
For more information email Heidi Wiggins at hwiggins@lakehillslife.com.